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We have a new website……!!!!

So after many years we have finally updated our website to make navigating and booking a lot simpler. Hopefully, you will find what you need a lot easier. Given the situation we were in last summer and how busy the Island was we are hoping for a very similar situation this year. We have put a lot of our Group Surfing lessons dates on to the site already and we will be posting all other activities on there as soon as we can. We also have some plans for some new activities for the summer holiday period so please follow our Insta/FB/website for further updates as we move forward. The iSurf Team is growing (hopefully…pending their courses going ahead!) and we will be introducing them all in the next month or so. We cannot wait to see you all this…

Group Size Update….now 1:8

We have now been granted the ability to increase our ratio’s for group surfing to the normal 1:8 ratio. This is great news as we know there have been many inquiries of groups of more than 5. All of our sessions have been increased to take this in to account. We are only running group surfing sessions throughout the summer unless you are booking a group of 8. If you have a group you would like to book in then please get in touch. Have a great summer and we hope to see you all soon. iSurf Team

Surfboard Hire Update

We are currently getting a lot of enquiries regarding hiring of boards etc so we thought we would update you before you tried to get in touch with us. We are unable to hire equipment to you unless we have given you a lesson previously. This is our insurers guidance and we therefore cannot hire unless this is the case. All our group surfing sessions are on our website to book! Thank you

15 Min Yoga for Paddleboarding with Jenny Stewart

One to do on land to prepare you for hopping onto your board.

Updated Health & Safety policy

Your health is our top priority, and we have put special measures in place to keep all our customers safe both during and after your activity. * **Stringent Cleaning** – We will be making sure all of our equipment will be cleaned before and after each session. There will also be cleaning products available for you should you want to clean your equipment before use. Our wetsuits will be washed and cleaned with a disinfectant. We do not currently have changing facilities for any of our activities, following the current guidelines so please take this into consideration prior to arrival. * **Social Distancing** – Customers will stay at a safe 6-foot distance during all points of the activity. We also ensure that all staff members have access to the correct PPE in the event of accident or an emergency. For…

We’re opening!!!!

Here is an update from Surfing England regarding our pathway to re-opening this summer. Covid 19 Update: Small-Group Lessons 01/06/2020 The government has confirmed that groups of up to 6 can meet outside from Monday 1st June 2020, provided people from different households observe social distancing by keeping two meters apart. This is good news for surf schools as coaches can now work with groups of up to 5, as long as they are able to maintain the highest standards of water safety whilst meeting the government’s guidance on social distancing and hygiene. The maximum ratio for group lessons will be 1 instructor to 5 customers, giving a maximum group size of 6. It is important that schools only reopen when they can meet the requirements within the guidance for outdoor facilities and are fully confident in their new procedures….

iSurf Nippers – 2016 Newsletter

2015 saw the start of something really special and the reason for starting iSurf Nippers was because we realised there was a real need for this by young people who are interested in surfing, the beach and generally in the outdoors. The first regular session started at Compton Farm end of Compton beach and the main reason for using this particular stretch of beach is because it is the sandiest area along this whole coastline. Access to the beach can be tricky, with steep steps down to the beach. There were around 10 regulars from Brighstone primary which quickly grew overnight to around 30-35 children. As a result of this, we started 2 more sessions on a Wednesday and Thursday evening from the iSurf base on Sandown seafront. Sandown offers a nice safe alternative to Compton and is more suitable…

I have lost my phone today !!

If you are trying to get hold of me then, unfortunately, I lost my phone to the sea today…I will have a new phone on Monday but if you need me before then, then email me on or wait until Monday. Chris

You can now book online for all Group Surfing Lessons !!

Please visit the Group Surfing Page to book your sessions, you can book as many sessions as you want to. We will soon be adding SUP Yoga regular sessions and SUP classes along with allocated times for 1:1 sessions across surfing and SUP.

iSurf’s new SUP’s have arrived !!!!!

iSurf has now got 12 inflatable Vandal IQ SUP boards, they are extremely rigid and perfect for learning the sport.

The Wave Project Isle of Wight

The Wave Project is an award winning organisation that runs free surfing courses for young people facing social exclusion or mental health issues. We are running a new pilot scheme on the Isle of Wight, starting 15 June 2014. Clients can be referred by any professional working with young people aged 8-18 who live on the island. The 6-week surfing courses are delivered with 1:1 support by trained staff. Kit and changing facilities are provided, and free transport to and from the beach can be arranged. To make a referral, email me at (using a different email for this project). To discuss the project by phone, please contact me on 07968 609169. Please share with an many people as much as possible…any questions then get in touch. Chris

The season is about to start!! (weekend of the 3/4th May)

Not long now and the iSurf season will be kicking and it is looking like it is going to be a busy one. If your planning a trip to the Island this summer then please get in touch sooner rather than later to discuss the details and potentially get something booked in. Whether your a family, a group or an individual get in touch so we can work out the best session and timings to suit you. iSurf officially opens from the weekend 3/4th of May however I am fully booked that weekend already so sessions will commence the week after, onwards. I look forward to meeting you all this summer, lets hope for sun and surf ! Chris